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SaaSquatch Blog

Your destination for articles, podcasts, ebooks and case studies referrals & rewards marketing.
Podcast Episode ArtWork (470 x 360 px) (1)-min

The Advocacy Channel Ep. 13: What’s Next in Customer Advocacy with Deena and Liz from Captivate Collective

Tune into episode 13 as we bring on Deena and Liz from Captivate Collective to talk about the future of customer advocacy programs.
Tracking Windows Release Blog Thumbnail

Introducing: New Customizations for Programs

Reward customers for specific actions or during specific windows of time. Powerful customizations for your referral and loyalty programs.

The Advocacy Channel Ep. 12: How Adobe’s Marketo Engage Maintained and Grew Their Community Through a Merger and Acquisition

Hear the story directly from the man responsible for creating the Marketo community, Kevin Lau as he joins Will on The Advocacy Channel.

How to make the most of your marketing budget during a downturn

In light of current economic conditions, it's high time to figure out how to make the most of your marketing budget during a downturn.
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Behind the scenes of our widget editor revamp

A few weeks ago, we released our widget editor, 2.0. An all-new, more intuitive visual builder for our referral and loyalty widgets.
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The Advocacy Channel Ep. 11: How to Develop Advocates from the Beginning of the Customer Journey

In this episode, Will chats with advocacy expert Leslie Barrett about how to develop advocates from the beginning of the customer journey.

SaaSquatch Added to the Segment Catalog

The SaaSquatch destination is now available directly in the Segment catalog! Here's an overview on how to set up your Segment integration.
Podcast Episode ArtWork (470 x 360 px)

The Advocacy Channel Ep. 10: How to Identify When a Customer is Ready to Join Your Advocacy Program with Pablo Fernandes

In this episode of thePodcast, Will chats with customer advocacy expert Pablo Fernandes about how to identify advocates and launch programs.
Lauren Locke-Paddon

The Advocacy Channel Ep. 9: The Importance of Authentic Customer Stories with Lauren Locke-Paddon

In this episode of The Advocacy Channel, Will talks to Lauren Locke-Paddon about authentic customer stories' role in building advocacy.
Podcast Episode ArtWork (470 x 360 px) (3)

The Advocacy Channel Ep. 8: Important Lessons in Customer Marketing With Expert Scott K. Wilder

Discover the power of customer connections in The Advocacy Channel episode with marketing expert Scott K. Wilder.